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RE: Checkered Flag

To: (Keith Kaplan)
Subject: RE: Checkered Flag
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 15:00:38 PST
Keith Kaplan wrote:

> While we're offering WAGs, here's mine:
> Rallies often end at restaurants.  Since so many great cars are/were
> made in Italy, it seems appropriate to meet at an Italian restaurant.
> When a finisher is in sight, they set another table, and the driver can
> see from afar the checkered tablecloth flying over the table, and it was
> his sign he was near the end.
> This explains both the checkered pattern and why the flag is waved.

CNK (Coffee-Nose-Keyboard) ;=)

That's a good one, but isn't an Italian tablecloth a red/white
checkerboard?  Isn't a true checkerboard red and black? Where did the
black/white come from???

This sounds like a job for Click and Clack.  Where's James Burke when
you need him?

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