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enter the last vintage race of '96

To: vintage_race <>,
Subject: enter the last vintage race of '96
From: Grand_Wazoo <>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 16:49:10 -0800
If anyone out there is looking to participate in the absolutely LAST
vintage race of the year, come join us!

December 28, 1996 at Moroso Motorsports Park outside of West Palm Beach
Florida.  While sanctioned by the SCCA, this race is open to anyone with
a license issued by virtually any racing organization.  Certainly any
club that is part of the Vintage Motorsports coucil (SVRA, HSR etc). 
Membership in SCCA is required but can be obtained at the event.

It's a one day event prior to the start of the 24hrs of Moroso.  In
fact, practice is at 9am and the race is at 11:30.  Three sessions and
done by noon.  Then you can relax and watch the foolishness associated
with a 24 hour race, totally amateur and it has a waiting list for

for more info, reply here or call 561-622-7554

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