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Bucks Web Site

Subject: Bucks Web Site
From: Dick Carlson <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 08:01:51 -0700
Many of the USA vintage racers on this list will know of Bucks
Restaurant in the town of Lexington, Ohio, site of Mid-Ohio Sports Car
Course. Bucks was the haunt of many a driver and race fan, and
repository of much memorabilia. Unfortunately it burned to the ground on
August 25. However, a Bucks Rebuild Fund has been started, and Paul
Lane, Jr. and I have opened a Bucks Home Page to keep folks up to date
on the progress at Bucks. Would those of you who manage a web site
please link the Bucks page? URL is
 Dick Carlson, Age & Treachery Racing, Ltd, World HQ, Kansas City

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