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Re: Trim panel cardboard.

Subject: Re: Trim panel cardboard.
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 1996 10:22:49 PDT
The stuff is actually a form of fiberboard you should be able to find at
a local hardware store or building supply.  It's basically pegboard
without the peg holes.  I got some at a Home Depot.  Basically, with
some of this stuff, some vinyl, a staple gun and maybe some real thin
foam (1/32"), you can reproduce any flat panel.  I've done it for my old
Alfas.  If the old panels are intact, you can strip the old ones bare
and use them as templates for the new boards.  Make the shape and all
the mounting holes match before applying the vinyl.

>I want to replace the door trims and the panels in front of the doors.
>It seems that thru Moss, I have to buy a humungous kit, most of which I
>don't want.
>I would like to make new trim panels, they seem simple enough, so I
>would like to find a source for the (card)board on which the vinyl is

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