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Re: Trim panel cardboard.

Subject: Re: Trim panel cardboard.
From: Malcolm Cox <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 20:34:15 -0700
I have a 1960 MGA which I race.  
As you may imagine, there is not a lot of original trim remaining, however what 
does remain looks 
pretty sad.

I want to replace the door trims and the panels in front of the doors.  It 
seems that thru Moss, 
I have to buy a humungous kit, most of which I don't want.

I would like to make new trim panels, they seem simple enough, so I would like 
to find a source 
for the (card)board on which the vinyl is wrapped.

Has anyone in an idle moment measured the suspension geometry of a MGA.  I am 
interested in the 
size and shape and rest/full bump angles of the parallelogram forming the front 
suspension unit, 
seems to be very hard to measure, but you never know the gems of wisdom you can 
unearth with a 
well placed question.

Malcolm Cox, Napa, CA 
VIntage Racing MGA 1960 (if it doesn't bleed, it has no heart)

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