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Helmet Requirements

Subject: Helmet Requirements
From: (Doug Daverne)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 18:25:16 -0600
Hi List,

I am not currently a vintage racer but may be one at some point in the
future.  Presently my only form of motor sport is Karting.  I am in the
process of shopping for a new helmet for Kart racing (new Snell 90
requirements start this year).  It has occurred to me that I should try and
buy something that would meet any future motorsport requirements that may
come up.  So my question is; what are the vintage racing helmet
requirements?  Is there a single standard or a variety of standards?  Any
and all input into this would be appreciated. 


Doug Daverne

P.S.  This is the second time I have sent this as I don't think it made it
the first time.  If you've seen it before, my apologies.

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