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Server fund, list formats

Subject: Server fund, list formats
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 02:24:20 -0700
The good news is the server fund.  As those of you who actually read my pleas
for money back near the end of October may recall, I was hoping for $1200 by
the start of 1996.  You folks provided about twice that in the first week or
so after the announcement.  I'm impressed.  Contributions have fallen off
lately, but that is to be expected.  Current plans are to buy an HP workstation
much like the one I use now for about $4500.  I hope to have it in place by
Christmas, or soon after.  And any day now I'll get to sending out another
batch of email acknowledgements of your checks.

If any of you have been thinking about a contribution to the Team.Net fund,
instead of giving your money to some needy orphans during the holiday season,
make out a check to 'Fat Chance Garage' and send it to

Fat Chance Garage
PO Box 58333
Salt Lake City, Utah 84158

Those of you who have contributed (roughly 200 folks at around $20 average,
I'll do the figures RealSoonNow... ) I, along with all the other 4.000 or so
folks who rely on mail, FTP or Web service from this overworked machine thank
you.  Those of you following obscure Utah politics need not worry, none of the
funds are being channeled to Enid or Joe Waldholtz!

The bad news, though, is that the new server is not yet on line, let alone
selected and ordered.  I am getting a bit tired of coming in to work at various
times and finding my machine has thrashed itself to death trying to deal with
a few thousand messages in the outgoing mail queue.  So to see if I can make
things a bit better I put the triumphs list in moderated mode today.  It had
the most messages since the digests went out, so I chose it.  What this means
is that mail to has to be personally approved by me
before getting sent out to list members.  That should slow things down!

But I won't pick on that list until a new machine is procured, the likely
scenario will be to rotate the moderated status among the high traffic lists
for the next few weeks, in the hope I can actually get some work done on my
machine rather than sit at my desk watching it swap sendmail processes in and
out of way too little memory.  We'll see how it goes.

And thanks again!


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