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New member - Needs HELP ! (2500M)

To: "TVRLIST" <>
Subject: New member - Needs HELP ! (2500M)
From: "Pat" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 07:14:59 -0700
Good morning list !

I'll give a quick summary of how I got here. I'm 43 and have had several
British cars over my life  (Mostly older Triumphs). I am 2/3 way through a
"Frame up" on a 958 TR3A, did up our Mini a few years ago and just sold my
mint rust FREE Triumph TR4A"IRS" to fund my TVR. A month ago I was working
on my TR3 asking myself why, I had a TR3 and a TR3. That on a nice sunny day
when I can drive a car, odds are I will take out the TR3... hey, it's a
nicer car hands down. So, why have  a TR4 ? Why not have something really
differant ? So one thing lead to another and I know have my 1973 TVR 2500M.

Just a bit about the car, I was hoping to get it driving for a year or so as
it sits with out a "Frame Up" on it, but no such luck. It came with out the
motor and trans (got one that runs) so I don't need to rebuild that for now
(less money out lay). I have the side vents, original steering wheel and
door hardware, chrome bumpers and clean door window frames with the Cosmic
wheel rims. Body has some "Spider cracks" and stress cracks, a small boo boo
at the front of the nose etc. Chassis seems in good shape, just a couple of
tubes need to be replaced. Enough about the car, I'm sure you all know about
where I am at....

I have been a member of the Triumph list (such as this) for a couple of
years so I am used to the incredible help that these lists can offer, along
with parts and so on. I have some questions below, but mostly I'm woundering
what sor of support I can hope for :"out there". Paticually those that have
2500M's that I could email off list.  I have built a few cars (TR's and a
mini) but never of course a TVR. I live in Victoria BC and I have been in
touch a few times with a Kenny Butcher who is I believe well known in the
TVR circles of life. He has been a GREAT help, but I don't want to call him
every time I have a problem as he too is busy.

Some questions I need help on now:

With glass ann seats out, how heavy is the 2500M body ?

How many guys does it need to lift it off ?

When I take it to my painters is there any special way it should sit on the
trailer or truck ? Same for when it is AT the painters ? As in, are there
stress points that could crack the glass if placed wrong ? Does it just sit
FLAT, do I have to build a jig to support it ? Etc...

I don't know what colour to paint it....... I don't want metal flake and
wish to stay "Some what " original. I don't want white, black or yellow (My
tr3 is pale yellow). I like the TR "Powder Blue" but that seems a little
woosy for a TVR, I don't mind dark blue but our mini is a med blue (Big deal
?). I dont' mind a nice green (darker) but not BRG and I don't mind Silver.
I really would like the same red as my TR4 was (Not stock) but my whole
family says no !... but hey, IT's MY CAR ! Ideas ? Does anyone have a couple
of good pics of a dark blue or green's I can look at ?

Does anyone know of a TVR web site (Prefer 2500) that deals with a frame off
step by step ? I know of MANY TR restoration sites by owners, but have not
as yet found one for a TVR. This way I can read what others have done and

What can anyone reccomend for parts in North America ? What sort of stock do
you have stuck down stairs in the basement that I many need ???

Thank you all so much for reading this !

Victoria BC

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