I'm also interested in history on TVRs that have been raced here in the
states. Mike Mooney is writing a book on the history of TVRs, I think Mike
was involved somehow with Jack Griffith and the V8 TVRs. The USA racing TVRs
that come to mind, are or were owned by Lou Anderson autoxing a 200 (which
I'm currently flogging around in), ,Steve Ferron roadraced a 200 or 400 or
both, Ted Feruki autoxed a widebody Tuscan, Walter Hotchkis road racing the
first Griffith 200, Jim Kulhman autoxing a hybrid Griffith, Fred McKenny time
trials a 200, George Potacen road racing a 200, Joe Rauh autoxing a 200, Rich
Rock hill climbing and autoxing a Vixen and working on a 200, Bill Sandford
autoxing a 3000s and eventually maybe a lwb Tuscan, Scott and Greg Witt
autoxed a 2500. Hopefully someone on this mailing list can correct or add to
this list.
Kevin Wallace
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