I don't know about anyone else but I had a great time at Woodwork. Thanks to
all who had a hand in putting it together!! The weather Sunday was
cruel...steady drizzle all day. Really dampened the turn out with about 40
TVRs and just a few other cars. Some Minis, a Triumph, a Mustang and a really
nice Triumph Italia and that's about it....oh, I almost forgot...a Porsche?
Jack Griffith was there and was a wonderful participant in spite of the
weather. Great stories from Jack and probably the most Griffiths I've ever
seen in one place. The Saturday parking lot natter was the best part of the
weekend. It was a beautiful day Sat. and I think most of the car groping,
picture taking and general natter happened then. The auction was a
blast...helped to keep the club solvent...with some of best memorabilia yet
being offered. Doug from David-Gerold was also there. Good move on his part.
Friendly guy, lots of info and it will be nice to know who it is you're
talking to on those long distance calls for hard to get parts. All in all, it
was not the biggest or the best Woodwork, but worth the trip.