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Re: 2500M shocks/springs on Vixen?

To: "Hancock, Ashley P" <>
Subject: Re: 2500M shocks/springs on Vixen?
From: skip gurnee <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 10:31:19 -0700
Caution-The US version '71 Vixen used a 2500 engine.  This may be the
reason Spax listed it with the M.  The 4-cyl. rear springs were
completely different from the front, i.e. softer, and by the way the
spare was mounted in the rear, not under the bonnet.  All this means the
2500 springs may fit a 1600, but you'll get a car with its nose in the
air.  I'd suggest measuring what you've got, choose what rate you want
(say 10-20% heavier), and buy new from folks like Eibach.  They're not
too expensive, and you'll get exactly what you need.
Measuring, by the way, is easy.  On a bathroom scale, just push the
spring down so it compresses one inch (use a ruler); the scale reads the
rate.  If the spring is too stiff to compress a full inch, use 1/2 inch
and double it for the rate.  Don't forget, you need to measure the
installed length of your existing springs, and duplicate that length
with the new ones.  This means they'll be shorter in their free state
than the old.
ALSO: all springs are alive and malevolent. Be careful working with

"Hancock, Ashley P" wrote:
> The spring poundages might differ slightly but I think the shocks are 
>identical. The Spax database lists them as Front/Rear Vixen/M.
> Ash ('68 Vixen S1)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 11:50 AM
> > To:
> > Subject:      2500M shocks/springs on Vixen?
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Does anyone know if this is possible?  Looks to me like it might work, but I
> > haven't tried it yet......
> >
> > Rich Rock

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