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Re: carbs

To: William Zehring <>
Subject: Re: carbs
From: Bob Tescione <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 13:08:21 -0400
William Zehring wrote:
> Dear all;
> My experience with carbs has, heretofore, been limited to SUs,
> specifically, those mounted on MGs, with a nice visit now and again to a
> single throat Solex on a Ford engine'd Morgan.  I view the SU carb as a
> simple unit, easy to get to know, not terribly inspired at cold starts, but
> still and all rather reliable once you've spent a half a lifetime learning
> how to tune them.  Now, as I approach the final stages of my 2500
> restoration (with the pace of a glacier, I might add), I contemplate the
> Stromberg carb. diaphragm and all.  One local wise man suggests that I
> "throw them against a brick wall and smash them to bits."  This gentle
> fellow suggests I'd be better off with a pair of SUs, 1.75s of a big
> Healey, or 2.0s off a jag.  Another less local but still wise man (gentle,
> too, I hope) suggests that the Stromberg and the SU are really pretty
> similar, and that their differences in performance are real but rather
> subtle and that I can probably happily leave the Strombergs on the car and
> enjoy years of happy motoring, also avoiding the additional expense and
> effort.  Of course, a nice row of three dual throat Weber carbs sure looks
> fast, and probably is, with the right cam, but it also looks expensive, and
> my budget frankly doesn't call for such equipment.  So, what's the poop?
> Any reaction to my supposedly wise men?
> Low man on the learning curve, I am
> Will Zehring
> '71 2500 (a work in progress)

My take would be to put it back together with the Strombergs...with
which it came. Get familiar with the car and its performance that way...
then if you feel a need to change carbs or increase performance you have
a base line from which you can move.

Bob Tescione

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