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[TR] upcoming travels (travails???)

To: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: [TR] upcoming travels (travails???)
From: dave northrup <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 00:16:46 +0000
Accept-language: en-US
Thread-index: AdhDARBmSw3x3R+uRdmTGgvuxuqh5A==
Thread-topic: upcoming travels (travails???)
Content-Language: en-US

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Tuesday, April 19, my adult son and I are leaving Dallas and driving to =
Tucumcari, NM, staying in the Blue Swallow Motel.  Not my first stay there,=

On Wednesday we are heading west on route 66, planning to only get as far a=
s Albuquerque.  We will see the Unser Racing Museum and do the ghost tour t=
hat night.

Thursday we are again headed west on Route 66.  Don't know how far we will =
get.  Ultimately we will turn north at Kingman and head to Reno where my da=
ughter lives, scheduled arrival some time Saturday.

Anyone on that route?  Repair shops just in case on that route?

The ride is a 1972 TR6, heavily modified engine and suspension including th=
e GoodParts triple carb setup, lightened flywheel, billet aluminum water pu=
mp and aluminum housing, polished, ported head, decked block with oversize =
pistons, etc.  We run about 11 to 1 compression.  Seven inch wheels and wid=
e sticky tires.  See more at<http://www.rante=>

Planning lots of Route 66 museums, lots of photo ops, and ultimately one or=
 more articles in 6 Pack Magazine.

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<p class=3D"MsoNormal">On Tuesday, April 19, my adult son and I are leaving=
 Dallas and driving to Tucumcari, NM, staying in the Blue Swallow Motel.&nb=
sp; Not my first stay there, btw<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">On Wednesday we are heading west on route 66, planni=
ng to only get as far as Albuquerque.&nbsp; We will see the Unser Racing Mu=
seum and do the ghost tour that night.<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Thursday we are again headed west on Route 66.&nbsp;=
 Don&#8217;t know how far we will get.&nbsp; Ultimately we will turn north =
at Kingman and head to Reno where my daughter lives, scheduled arrival some=
 time Saturday.<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Anyone on that route?&nbsp; Repair shops just in cas=
e on that route?<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">The ride is a 1972 TR6, heavily modified engine and =
suspension including the GoodParts triple carb setup, lightened flywheel, b=
illet aluminum water pump and aluminum housing, polished, ported head, deck=
ed block with oversize pistons, etc.&nbsp;
 We run about 11 to 1 compression.&nbsp; Seven inch wheels and wide sticky =
tires.&nbsp; See more at
<a href=3D"";>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Planning lots of Route 66 museums, lots of photo ops=
, and ultimately one or more articles in 6 Pack Magazine.<o:p></o:p></p>


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