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Re: [TR] [Fot] Fo8 Sealants Question and List Responses

To: Bob Kramer <> ob3+ihvlbY+RKfO3y6FPYb4QVjjiFnQ6tXDYZqNCbgz8/2Q/AfnpcpJEb/BMmM+pcopKKgDqBYhV6+TxBuAxNLgIdUqICR7+CTL6boDpy02ENiGxd5C8X901 9HJ2qLdI4QI99rtflYm3cgt8P6/BAYGXYHniw9mHqrs=
Subject: Re: [TR] [Fot] Fo8 Sealants Question and List Responses
From: adcronin <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 12:54:39 -0500
Cc: Triumph List <>, FOT List Triumph <>
References: <> <>

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Bob K
You are correct in pointing out that the TR2/3supplement of the Workshop =
Manual does in fact mention Wellseal.  My observation was based on the =
TR4 Manual and must admit to being too lazy to verify against the =
original third edition of the TR2,3 supplement in my library.  In the =
TR4 first edition manual  there is no mention of a specific product =
other than the mention =E2=80=9CFit the new Figure =E2=80=9C8=E2=80=9D =
gaskets coated with jointing compound=E2=80=9D.

On Feb 8, 2021, at 8:58 AM, Bob Kramer <> wrote:


I thought the factory choice was a product called Wellseal.  I just =
googled it and Pegasus carries it.  I myself use Hylomar Blue, which is =
relatively expensive as sealants go, but the Wellseal stuff is $31.99

Bob Kramer

On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 7:53 AM Dan Cronin via Fot < =
Listers All:
I want to thank everyone who took time out of their day / night to =
respond to my question.  We have had more than 20 folks respond and the =
variety of materials used was impressive.  I will spend a bit more time =
today or tomorrow and tabulate your responses by preference and post to =
both lists.  Interesting that the factory workshop manuals do not =
specify a particular product or brand=E2=80=A6.
_______________________________________________ <>

Archive: <> =
<>: = =

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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; =
charset=3Dutf-8"></head><body style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; =
-webkit-nbsp-mode: space; line-break: after-white-space;" class=3D"">Bob =
K<div class=3D"">You are correct in pointing out that the =
TR2/3supplement of the Workshop Manual does in fact mention Wellseal. =
&nbsp;My observation was based on the TR4 Manual and must admit to being =
too lazy to verify against the original third edition of the TR2,3 =
supplement in my library. &nbsp;In the TR4 first edition manual =
&nbsp;there is no mention of a specific product other than the mention =
<u class=3D"">=E2=80=9CFit the new&nbsp;Figure&nbsp;=E2=80=9C8=E2=80=9D =
gaskets coated with jointing compound=E2=80=9D.</u></div><div =
class=3D""><u class=3D""><br class=3D""></u></div><div class=3D""><div><br=
 class=3D""><div class=3D"">On Feb 8, 2021, at 8:58 AM, Bob Kramer =
&lt;<a href=3D""; =
class=3D""></a>&gt; wrote:</div><br =
class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"><div class=3D""><div dir=3D"ltr" =
class=3D"">Dan<div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"">I =
thought the factory choice was a product called Wellseal.&nbsp; I just =
googled it and Pegasus carries it.&nbsp; I myself use Hylomar Blue, =
which is relatively expensive as sealants go, but the Wellseal stuff is =
$31.99</div><div class=3D""><br clear=3D"all" class=3D""><div =
class=3D""><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_signature" =
data-smartmail=3D"gmail_signature"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"">Bob =
Kramer</div></div></div><br class=3D""></div></div><br class=3D""><div =
class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Mon, Feb =
8, 2021 at 7:53 AM Dan Cronin via Fot &lt;<a =
href=3D""; class=3D""></a>&gt; =
wrote:<br class=3D""></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" =
style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid =
rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div style=3D"overflow-wrap: =
break-word;" class=3D"">Listers All:<div class=3D"">I want to thank =
everyone who took time out of their day / night to respond to my =
question.&nbsp; We have had more than 20 folks respond and the variety =
of materials used was impressive.&nbsp; I will spend a bit more time =
today or tomorrow and tabulate your responses by preference and post to =
both lists.&nbsp; Interesting that the factory workshop manuals do not =
specify a particular product or brand=E2=80=A6.</div><div =
class=3D"">Dan</div><div class=3D""><span =
_____________________________________________<br class=3D"">
<a href=3D""; target=3D"_blank" =
class=3D""></a><br class=3D"">
<br class=3D"">
<a href=3D""; rel=3D"noreferrer" =
target=3D"_blank" class=3D""></a><br class=3D"">
<br class=3D"">
target=3D"_blank" class=3D""></a><br =
Archive: <a href=3D""; rel=3D"noreferrer" =
target=3D"_blank" class=3D""></a> <a =
href=3D""; =
rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank" =
class=3D""><br class=3D"">
href=3D""; =
rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank" =
a><br class=3D"">
<br class=3D"">
<br class=3D"">
</div></div><br class=3D""></div></body></html>=


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