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[TR] In some ways, Pretend your Randall?

To: "Triumph list" <>
Subject: [TR] In some ways, Pretend your Randall?
From: Paul Dorsey <>
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2020 14:04:16 -0400

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Andrew, I know it is me of which you speak.  I was the TR3 upstart asking
the fundamental questions.  Randall always answered them in a way that I
could understand the answer.  Regardless of the question, he always had a
correct answer.  The picture someone posted of him doesn't quite fit the
image of him that I created in my head.  I thought of him as a know-it-all
(who really did know-it-all) , a grandfather-esque figure for this group.
Can you believe I caught him making a mistake once?  One that I actually
got to correct him on, it was something simple like the color of wires or
something.  He quickly admitted the error.  Maybe "FT" admitted to me that
Randall seemingly knew it all, and I got a kick from talking to them. (ISTR
a little friction between these two.  Fred sent me pages of snail mail on
types of distributors for my 25D and I actually met him and some other
racer legend at Road Atlanta.  Thru this list, I got to correspond with
great people like Jack Drews and others, what great guys!  I can't remember
the name of the guy who rebuilt my oil pump for me.  The guy who braved
frozen temperatures to exactly tell me correct door gaps.  I never took up
Randall's offer to help me with my canceling mechanism with my steering
wheel- what great guys!  I guess now their up there in the 'great
race-track in the sky'.
I don't have the depth that all you guys have.  Randall always
gave out the kind and lengthy (if necessary, answers).  Like an ignorant
kid, seems like I boasted about the hardness of brass and I got a stiff
reply from someone else (I can't remember who), but, I can't really
chalk-up the almost abandoned TR3 project that I started something like 20
years ago to that.  I'm just too timid!
Why just today I got a distributor cap that I ordered from Moss for my
project.  (It's the second cap I've had to order for that car and I have
never drove it a single mile! Go figure? ).  I live near corrosion acres
and for awhile I thought of the rust I had kinda like a fine patina finish,
one that I would be proud to one day show off!  Sad to say, but maybe due
to age and having a head injury, my license to drive has been taken from
me.  However, I still dream, however, of fixing the tr3.  If I ever
re-start my project in earnest, you might have to bear with my stupid
questions, pretend your Randall!

Paul Dorsey- 60 TR3


It made me think (again) about Randall.  If anyone had the credentials to
be arrogant or condescending, he did.  He knew more about these cars than
most of us collectively ever will.  Yet he was always kind and sincere.
Some of you may remember the individual a few years ago who was trying to
restore a TR3 and asked the most fundamental of questions:  Randall was
consistently patient and helpful while I am sure some of us rolled our eyes=

Maybe people are trying to assume Randall=E2=80=99s mantle as the TR guru. =
it isn=E2=80=99t goin

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<div dir=3D"ltr">Andrew, I know it is me of which you speak.=C2=A0 I was th=
e TR3 upstart asking the fundamental questions.=C2=A0 Randall always answer=
ed them in a way that I could understand the answer.=C2=A0 Regardless of th=
e question, he always had a correct answer.=C2=A0 The picture someone poste=
d of him doesn&#39;t quite fit the image of him that I created in my head.=
=C2=A0 I thought of him as a know-it-all (who really did know-it-all) , a g=
randfather-esque figure for this group.=C2=A0 Can you believe I caught him =
making a mistake once?=C2=A0 One that I actually got to correct him on, it =
was something simple like the color of wires or something.=C2=A0 He quickly=
 admitted the error.=C2=A0 Maybe &quot;FT&quot; admitted to me that Randall=
 seemingly knew it all, and I got a kick from talking to them. (ISTR a litt=
le friction between these two.=C2=A0 Fred sent me pages of snail mail on ty=
pes of distributors for my 25D and I actually met him and some other racer =
legend at Road Atlanta.=C2=A0 Thru this list, I got to correspond with grea=
t people like Jack Drews and others, what=C2=A0great guys!=C2=A0 I can&#39;=
t remember the name of the guy who rebuilt my oil pump for me.=C2=A0 The gu=
y who braved frozen temperatures to exactly tell me correct=C2=A0door gaps.=
=C2=A0 I never took up Randall&#39;s offer to help me with my canceling mec=
hanism with my steering wheel- what great guys!=C2=A0 I guess now their up =
there in the &#39;great race-track in the sky&#39;.<br> I don&#39;t have th=
e depth that all you guys have.=C2=A0 Randall always<br>gave out the kind a=
nd lengthy (if necessary, answers).=C2=A0 Like an ignorant kid, seems like =
I boasted about the hardness of brass and I got a stiff reply from someone =
else (I can&#39;t remember who), but, I can&#39;t really chalk-up the almos=
t abandoned TR3 project that I started something like 20 years ago to that.=
=C2=A0 I&#39;m just too timid!<br>      Why just today I got a distributor cap 
hat I ordered from Moss for my project. =C2=A0(It&#39;s the second cap I&#3=
9;ve had to order for that car and I have never drove it a single mile! Go =
figure? ).=C2=A0 I live near corrosion acres and for awhile I thought of th=
e rust I had kinda like a fine patina finish, one that I would be proud to =
one day show off!=C2=A0 Sad to say, but maybe due to age and having a head =
injury, my license to drive has been taken from me.=C2=A0 However, I still =
dream, however, of fixing the tr3.=C2=A0 If I ever re-start my project in e=
arnest, you might have to bear with my stupid questions, pretend your Randa=
ll!=C2=A0<br><div><br></div><div>Paul Dorsey- 60 TR3</div><div><br></div><d=
iv>&lt;&lt;</div><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-family:&quot;Ti=
mes New Roman&quot;,serif"><br class=3D"gmail-Apple-interchange-newline">It=
 made me think (again) about Randall.=C2=A0 If anyone had the credentials t=
o be arrogant or condescending, he did.=C2=A0 He knew more about these cars=
 than most of us collectively ever will.=C2=A0 Yet he was always kind and s=
incere.=C2=A0 Some of you may remember the individual a few years ago who w=
as trying to restore a TR3 and asked the most fundamental of questions:=C2=
=A0 Randall was consistently patient and helpful while I am sure some of us=
 rolled our eyes.<u></u><u></u></span></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span styl=
e=3D"font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif"><u></u>=C2=A0<u></u></s=
pan></p><p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"font-family:&quot;Times New R=
oman&quot;,serif">Maybe people are trying to assume Randall=E2=80=99s mantl=
e as the TR guru.=C2=A0 Well, it isn=E2=80=99t goin</span></p></div>


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