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I do know the Herald and the Toledo went in the crusher. The cost of rectify=
ing the Herald exceeded the cost of materials and direct labour to make it. T=
he Toledo as well. With a spot welded monocoque body done in a jig, you don=E2=
=80=99t have much choice but to throw it out.
The Spitfire is a slightly longer story. It escaped from the factory as it h=
ad been built and even got through the pre delivery check at the selling dea=
ler. Reason? The dealer only got five pounds to do the check so released the=
car to the customer AND charged him for the wire wheels he hadn=E2=80=99t o=
rdered and didn=E2=80=99t want with the promise they would sort it out at th=
e free first service at 1000 miles. Two days later, customer turns up at BL H=
ead office seeking to tell the CEO what he thought. I was the CEOs PA for co=
nsumer issues so it fell to me to sort it all out. He took me downstairs to s=
ee the car and I was so amazed to see it as it was, that I laughed. Not a go=
od idea because the owner was more than piddled off and he hit me so hard on=
the jaw, I landed on the pavement. I got it all sorted out (the car) very q=
uickly and customer was happy to have three months free fuel as a goodwill g=
esture. Fast forward forty years to my time at the BMIHT museum and I met th=
e owner again gazing wistfully at the last Spitfire off the line and we star=
ted chatting. Didn=E2=80=99t take too long to realise this was the guy who h=
ad hit me. Once reacquainted, He insisted on buying me a slap up lunch that v=
ery day and we departed in his version of the worlds most popular taxi (Merc=
edes) thoiugh to be fair, it wasn=E2=80=99t a 2400cc diesel.
We had a truly great afternoon and I returned to work well fed and even more=
well lubricated at about 4.30pm. However, explaining my absence to an irate=
female Managing Director about my tardiness did nothing to convince her I w=
as being truthful. That=E2=80=99s why I=E2=80=99m SO glad I no longer have a=
nything to do with the motor industry any more. It was fun in those days, bu=
t not now. Different people, different ethos and product that in most cases i=
s boringly reliable, too well made and can only be worked on with a diagnost=
ic plug.
Cheers, John
At the Battle of Waterloo, 1815:
Lord Uxbridge: =E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - I=E2=80=99ve lost my leg=E2=80=9D
Duke of Wellington: =E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - so you have!=E2=80=9D
> On 4 Jun 2020, at 20:12, Don Hiscock <don.hiscock@gmail.com> wrote:
> John, I've thought about, and laughed, at your memory of that "three door"=
Toledo, the right-left Herald, and the wire-disk Spit. Truly funny. Knowi=
ng how eager S-T were to sell car, I'd be willing to bet at least two of tho=
se were sold on. Heck, maybe all three.
> Sidescreen TRs in the US have all kinds of variations in windscreen washer=
s. Some never had their dash blanking panel pierced for where a switch usua=
lly went. I'd have believed all cars got nozzles mounted to the scuttle, bu=
t I didn't know all cars got washers.
> The 1956 09 S-T accessories brochure still shows windscreen washers as an o=
ption, but they note even then they were rapidly becoming an essential.
> https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-vncLKFm/1/3100b418/O/i-vncLKFm.jpg
> BR,
> Don
>> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 1:52 PM John Macartney <John.Macartney@ukpips.org.=
uk> wrote:
>> Small correction, Don. Screen washers were a legal requirement in most wo=
rld markets and for those countries that didn=E2=80=99t specify them, they g=
ot them anyway. A normal line fitted item.
>> Jonmac
>> At the Battle of Waterloo, 1815:
>> Lord Uxbridge: =E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - I=E2=80=99ve lost my leg=E2=80=9D
>> Duke of Wellington: =E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - so you have!=E2=80=9D
>>> On 4 Jun 2020, at 19:24, Don Hiscock <don.hiscock@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Here's what part of the Coventry production lines looked like in 1958. M=
aybe this will give some insight into how things were done. It's clear S-T c=
ampaigned body colors, and possibly interior colors too.
>>> https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-Zq7NRxF/0/3dfea902/O/i-Zq7NRxF.jpg
>>> https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-3c968hL/0/e52b3d42/O/i-3c968hL.jpg
>>> https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-n5fdGBR/0/48115ef0/O/i-n5fdGBR.jpg
>>> https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-9RpSbmS/0/9d49a652/O/i-9RpSbmS.jpg
>>> Jonmac and I were having an email conversation about some of the regiona=
l customization the other day (around lighting regulation differences across=
the continent in the day) that might be relevant here, too. John noted tha=
t customization could be done in line production, in Sales Conversion, off-l=
ine before dispatch by train, or by the selling dealer. Where options were a=
dded relate to how deep they're built into the car. Adjustable steering on a=
sidescreen car would obviously be done on the line. Windscreen washers and=
mirrors, for example, were usually done by the dealer.
>>> Don
>>> Saint Louis
>>>> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 12:46 PM Sujit Roy <triumphstag@gmail.com> wrote=
>>>> I'm just wondering how the factory added options to cars.
>>>> Did the production line have branches off the main line at certain stag=
es and then they would merge back on the main line? Or were the cars lifted o=
ff the line with some crane?
>>>> Sujit
>>>> --=20
>>>> Sujit Roy
>>>> Cupertino, California
>>>> https://triumphstagblog.wordpress.com/
>>>> ** triumphs@autox.team.net **
>>>> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
>>>> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs http://www.team.net/ar=
>>>> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/triumphs/don.=
>>> ** triumphs@autox.team.net **
>>> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
>>> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs http://www.team.net/arc=
>>> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/triumphs/john.=
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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">Don,<div><br></div><div>I do know the Heral=
d and the Toledo went in the crusher. The cost of rectifying the Herald exce=
eded the cost of materials and direct labour to make it. The Toledo as well.=
With a spot welded monocoque body done in a jig, you don=E2=80=99t have muc=
h choice but to throw it out.</div><div><br></div><div>The Spitfire is a sli=
ghtly longer story. It escaped from the factory as it had been built and eve=
n got through the pre delivery check at the selling dealer. Reason? The deal=
er only got five pounds to do the check so released the car to the customer A=
ND charged him for the wire wheels he hadn=E2=80=99t ordered and didn=E2=80=99=
t want with the promise they would sort it out at the free first service at 1=
000 miles. Two days later, customer turns up at BL Head office seeking to te=
ll the CEO what he thought. I was the CEOs PA for consumer issues so it fell=
to me to sort it all out. He took me downstairs to see the car and I was so=
amazed to see it as it was, that I laughed. Not a good idea because the own=
er was more than piddled off and he hit me so hard on the jaw, I landed on t=
he pavement. I got it all sorted out (the car) very quickly and customer was=
happy to have three months free fuel as a goodwill gesture. Fast forward fo=
rty years to my time at the BMIHT museum and I met the owner again gazing wi=
stfully at the last Spitfire off the line and we started chatting. Didn=E2=80=
=99t take too long to realise this was the guy who had hit me. Once reacquai=
nted, He insisted on buying me a slap up lunch that very day and we departed=
in his version of the worlds most popular taxi (Mercedes) thoiugh to be fai=
r, it wasn=E2=80=99t a 2400cc diesel.</div><div><br></div><div>We had a trul=
y great afternoon and I returned to work well fed and even more well lubrica=
ted at about 4.30pm. However, explaining my absence to an irate female Manag=
ing Director about my tardiness did nothing to convince her I was being trut=
hful. That=E2=80=99s why I=E2=80=99m SO glad I no longer have anything to do=
with the motor industry any more. It was fun in those days, but not now. Di=
fferent people, different ethos and product that in most cases is boringly r=
eliable, too well made and can only be worked on with a diagnostic plug.</di=
v><div><br></div><div>Cheers, John</div><div><br><br><div id=3D"AppleMailSig=
nature" dir=3D"ltr">At the Battle of Waterloo, 1815:<div>Lord Uxbridge: &nbs=
p;=E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - I=E2=80=99ve lost my leg=E2=80=9D</div><div>Duke of=
Wellington: =E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - so you have!=E2=80=9D</div><div><br></di=
v></div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br>On 4 Jun 2020, at 20:12, Don Hiscock <<a hre=
f=3D"mailto:don.hiscock@gmail.com";>don.hiscock@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br><=
br></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><div dir=3D"ltr">John, I=
've thought about, and laughed, at your memory of that "three door" Toledo, t=
he right-left Herald, and the wire-disk Spit. Truly funny. Knowi=
ng how eager S-T were to sell car, I'd be willing to bet at least two of tho=
se were sold on. Heck, maybe all three.<div><br></div><div>Sidescreen T=
Rs in the US have all kinds of variations in windscreen washers. Some n=
ever had their dash blanking panel pierced for where a switch usually went.&=
nbsp; I'd have believed all cars got nozzles mounted to the scuttle, but I d=
idn't know all cars got washers.</div><div><br></div><div>The 1956 09 S-T ac=
cessories brochure still shows windscreen washers as an option, but they not=
e even then they were rapidly becoming an essential.</div><div><a href=3D"ht=
v><div><br></div><div>BR,</div><div><br></div><div>Don</div></div><br><div c=
lass=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Thu, Jun 4, 20=
20 at 1:52 PM John Macartney <<a href=3D"mailto:John.Macartney@ukpips.org=
.uk">John.Macartney@ukpips.org.uk</a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D=
"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(20=
4,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div dir=3D"auto">Small correction, Don. Screen=
washers were a legal requirement in most world markets and for those countr=
ies that didn=E2=80=99t specify them, they got them anyway. A normal line fi=
tted item.<div><br></div><div>Jonmac<br><br><div id=3D"gmail-m_-585031907223=
4258843AppleMailSignature" dir=3D"ltr">At the Battle of Waterloo, 1815:<div>=
Lord Uxbridge: =E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - I=E2=80=99ve lost my leg=E2=80=9D=
</div><div>Duke of Wellington: =E2=80=9CBy God, Sir - so you have!=E2=80=9D<=
/div><div><br></div></div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br>On 4 Jun 2020, at 19:24, Don H=
iscock <<a href=3D"mailto:don.hiscock@gmail.com"; target=3D"_blank">don.hi=
scock@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br><br></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div d=
ir=3D"ltr"><div dir=3D"ltr">Here's what part of the Coventry production line=
s looked like in 1958. Maybe this will give some insight into how thin=
gs were done. It's clear S-T campaigned body colors, and possibly inte=
rior colors too.<div><a href=3D"https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-Zq7NRxF/=
0/3dfea902/O/i-Zq7NRxF.jpg" target=3D"_blank">https://photos.smugmug.com/pho=
tos/i-Zq7NRxF/0/3dfea902/O/i-Zq7NRxF.jpg</a></div><div><a href=3D"https://ph=
otos.smugmug.com/photos/i-3c968hL/0/e52b3d42/O/i-3c968hL.jpg" target=3D"_bla=
a></div><div><a href=3D"https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-n5fdGBR/0/48115e=
f0/O/i-n5fdGBR.jpg" target=3D"_blank">https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-n5=
fdGBR/0/48115ef0/O/i-n5fdGBR.jpg</a></div><div><a href=3D"https://photos.smu=
gmug.com/photos/i-9RpSbmS/0/9d49a652/O/i-9RpSbmS.jpg" target=3D"_blank">http=
<div><br></div><div>Jonmac and I were having an email conversation abou=
t some of the regional customization the other day (around lighting regulati=
on differences across the continent in the day) that might be relevant here,=
too. John noted that customization could be done in line product=
ion, in Sales Conversion, off-line before dispatch by train, or by the selli=
ng dealer. Where options were added relate to how deep they're built i=
nto the car. Adjustable steering on a sidescreen car would obviously b=
e done on the line. Windscreen washers and mirrors, for example, were u=
sually done by the dealer.</div><div><br></div><div>Don</div><div>Saint Loui=
s<br><div><br></div></div></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"l=
tr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 12:46 PM Sujit Roy <<a hr=
ef=3D"mailto:triumphstag@gmail.com"; target=3D"_blank">triumphstag@gmail.com<=
/a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0p=
x 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><di=
v dir=3D"ltr">I'm just wondering how the factory added options to c=
ars.<div>Did the production line have branches off the main line at cer=
tain stages and then they would merge back on the main line? Or were the car=
s lifted off the line with some crane?</div><div>Sujit</div><div><br clear=3D=
"all"><div><br></div>-- <br><div dir=3D"ltr"><div dir=3D"ltr"><div>Sujit Roy=
<br>Cupertino, California</div><div><br><a href=3D"https://triumphstagblog.w=
ordpress.com/" target=3D"_blank">https://triumphstagblog.wordpress.com/</a><=
** <a href=3D"mailto:triumphs@autox.team.net"; target=3D"_blank">triumphs@aut=
ox.team.net</a> **<br>
Archive: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs"; rel=3D"noreferre=
r" target=3D"_blank">http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs</a> <a hre=
f=3D"http://www.team.net/archive"; rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">http:=
s/don.hiscock@gmail.com" rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">http://autox.t=
</div></blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr"><span>** <a hr=
ef=3D"mailto:triumphs@autox.team.net"; target=3D"_blank">triumphs@autox.team.=
net</a> **</span><br><span></span><br><span>Donate: <a href=3D"http://www.te=
am.net/donate.html" target=3D"_blank">http://www.team.net/donate.html</a></s=
pan><br><span>Archive: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs"; ta=
rget=3D"_blank">http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs</a> <a href=3D"=
a></span><br><span></span><br><span>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a href=3D"http://au=
tox.team.net/mailman/options/triumphs/john.macartney@ukpips.org.uk" target=3D=
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** triumphs@autox.team.net **
Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs http://www.team.net/archive