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[TR] Quaker State

To: "" <>
Subject: [TR] Quaker State
From: "Fisher, Ed" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 11:49:51 +0000
Accept-language: en-US
Thread-index: AdRT+fRLoLF9TdceQ7aOC7fxxy7JeA==
Thread-topic: Quaker State
Content-Language: en-US

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Just as an updated piece of information on Quaker State motor oils to offer=
; I have a 1985 Toyota Supra with`186,000 miles.  The original owner was a =
fireman, the second owner a very good friend of mine, and I am the third ow=
ner.  My friend Richard inquired as to what oil the first owner used when h=
e  bought the car and the fireman stated, "Quaker State since new".  Richar=
d continued using Quaker State and so did I.  At around 165,000 miles I too=
k off the cam covers so that I could re-do the wrinkle finish in crinkle bl=
ack.  They had become a little tired looking and Fred Thomas had graciously=
 given me his time and shared his expertise so I learned how to do them in =
powder coating.  Inside the cam boxes there was absolute absence of any wea=
r, even scratches or rub marks of any kind on the cam lobes, and that was p=
retty darned amazing to me.  True, Japanese steel has shown me over and ove=
r again that the metallurgists and design engineers really are masters in t=
heir crafts as I've owned several Toyota and Honda cars.  That said, the su=
rfaces in this engine showed no sign at all of sludge or even a dirty kind =
of discoloration on non-mating surfaces.  I was used to the varnish-kind-of=
-look that Castrol gives on non-mating surfaces.  This engine looked like W=
esson oil in a clean pan on your stove.  I almost licked it to see if it wa=
s real! (almost).

Just a data point to anyone who may be using today's formulations of Quaker=
 State and might question that decision.  Oh, and being 61 years old and fr=
om NE Ohio I remember well the warnings of staying away from Quaker State a=
s a youth.  Given the testimonies on this list it would seem that was sound=

Ed Fisher
Dallas, Tx

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<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Just as an updated piece of information on Quaker St=
ate motor oils to offer; I have a 1985 Toyota Supra with`186,000 miles.&nbs=
p; The original owner was a fireman, the second owner a very good friend of=
 mine, and I am the third owner.&nbsp; My friend
 Richard inquired as to what oil the first owner used when he &nbsp;bought =
the car and the fireman stated, &#8220;Quaker State since new&#8221;.&nbsp;=
 Richard continued using Quaker State and so did I.&nbsp; At around 165,000=
 miles I took off the cam covers so that I could re-do the
 wrinkle finish in crinkle black.&nbsp; They had become a little tired look=
ing and Fred Thomas had graciously given me his time and shared his experti=
se so I learned how to do them in powder coating.&nbsp; Inside the cam boxe=
s there was absolute absence of any wear,
 even scratches or rub marks of any kind on the cam lobes, and that was pre=
tty darned amazing to me.&nbsp; True, Japanese steel has shown me over and =
over again that the metallurgists and design engineers really are masters i=
n their crafts as I&#8217;ve owned several
 Toyota and Honda cars.&nbsp; That said, the surfaces in this engine showed=
 no sign at all of sludge or even a dirty kind of discoloration on non-mati=
ng surfaces.&nbsp; I was used to the varnish-kind-of-look that Castrol give=
s on non-mating surfaces.&nbsp; This engine looked
 like Wesson oil in a clean pan on your stove.&nbsp; I almost licked it to =
see if it was real! (almost).
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Just a data point to anyone who may be using today&#=
8217;s formulations of Quaker State and might question that decision.&nbsp;=
 Oh, and being 61 years old and from NE Ohio I remember well the warnings o=
f staying away from Quaker State as a youth.&nbsp;
 Given the testimonies on this list it would seem that was sound advice.<o:=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Ed Fisher <o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal">Dallas, Tx<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>


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