> Google keeps
> thinking individual posts from the Triumph group and spam and short
> stopping mail until I get around to going into google spam.
Seems like more of a reason to go away from Google, rather than towards it.
Google's business model revolves around two things: Selling advertising, and
collecting data on those who use it. Some people are not bothered by those
things; but some are. So I'm with Greg, I'd rather keep the list as it is
as long as MJB will have us.
That said, there are already several major web forums for Triumphs, and they
currently get a lot more traffic than the Team.Net list. I see a lot of
familiar names there, too. I expect some people will continue to migrate,
until eventually the Triumphs list goes under critical mass and dies a
natural death, as so many other Team.Net lists have already done. Seems
like years since I've seen a post to Single Malt or Superchargers.
Which is probably just as well, since my doctor seems to think I should stay
away from both of those things <G>
-- Randall