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Re: [TR] Overdrive issues

Subject: Re: [TR] Overdrive issues
From: Brian Induni <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2016 09:08:54 -0700


Rye, I am having the EXACT same issue with my 1963 MGB! Same symptoms and
same checks all resulting the same scratching of head. Obviously a
different gearbox and OD unit, so there must be some similarities between
OD units or wiring or something.

Really hoping the list has some suggestions!


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 15:50:18 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Rye Livingston <>
> To: triumph list list <>, TTSCC TTSCC
>         <>
> Subject: [TR] Overdrive issues
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Transmission update - for those reading about this for the first time,
> this is a 1960 TR3 with a TR4 OD transmission. Yesterday they said it's
> basically a TR250 transmission. The whole transmission and OD was rebuilt
> by?a British car specialist of 40+ years. ?His employee has also been
> working on British cars for years, and is a transmission specialist.
> ?They've rebuilt literally 100s of transmissions and ODs. ?They had 4 OD
> cores on their bench as they were showing me different parts of the system.
> Symptom -?when I'm accelerating and flip the switch for OD, it doesn't go
> into OD until I let up. ?When in 2-3 or 4th gear, OD engaged, and punch it,
> it will downshift like an automatic transmission while I accelerate, then
> shift back into OD when I let up.
> I'm not technical enough to know how to describe all what they told me,
> but I'll try. ?First off, I forwarded the comments when I posted this issue
> a couple of weeks?ago, and keep in mind it's not the easy/obvious things.
> ?They've checked all the electrical, solenoids, ground, oil type, etc.
> ?When in OD it's not slipping. ?They've tested the PSI with a gauge
> attached while driving down the expressway, and jacked up with the wheels
> off the ground. ?
> The issue is that it's not getting high enough PSI. ?It's over 400 PSI,
> but it needs to be 490 to over 500, I think they said 520. ?They've taken
> the transmission back out, taken the OD all apart, and there's nothing
> obvious. They've changed the piston in the pump. Originally it had a pump
> that would shift softer because I've got a torquey engine and the other
> pump, which they called a competition pump, would be hard on the
> differential, but they've got that one in the car now. ? They showed me a
> seal that goes around that piston and said the new seals?are?rubber and
> they got one like the original style that has some sort of metal
> reinforcement in it to hopefully make a better seal. ?Not very clear I
> know, but hopefully that?makes sense. ?They've checked the seats where a
> small ball bearing must make a perfect seal, they all look perfect. ?They
> said everything looks absolutely pristine. ?No scoring down passageways
> that might not allow maximum PSI, etc. ?They also showed me the linin
>  g on a?Sun gear they had on the beach, and said mine looked good and the
> rivets looked original.?They put it all back together, went for a test
> drive, and that didn't fix it.
> They've spent literally 20+ hours on this transmission, plus several more
> hours doing internet research on the problem. ?As they described everything
> and what they've checked, which seems like everything, I said I'd send out
> this email to the list. ?Not that they haven't tried everything, but I'm
> hoping there may be one little nugget of info they haven't tried, or a test
> they can run, that will?lead to the solution.
> Thanks,
> Rye Livingston
> Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club
> Activities Chairman
> 1960 TR3A
> PH: 530-FIND-RYE
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> End of Triumphs Digest, Vol 9, Issue 136
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<div dir=3D"ltr"><div class=3D"gmail_extra"><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div=
>Rye, I am having the EXACT same issue with my 1963 MGB! Same symptoms and =
same checks all resulting the same scratching of head. Obviously a differen=
t gearbox and OD unit, so there must be some similarities between OD units =
or wiring or something.</div><div><br></div><div>Really hoping the list has=
 some suggestions!</div><div><br></div><div>Brian</div><div><br></div><div>=
<br></div><div>=C2=A0</div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margi=
n:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left-width:1px;border-left-style:solid;border-le=
Message: 1<br>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 15:50:18 +0000 (GMT)<br>
From: Rye Livingston &lt;<a href=3D"";></a>&g=
To: triumph list list &lt;<a href=3D"";>triump=</a>&gt;, TTSCC TTSCC<br>
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 &lt;<a href=3D"";>TT=</a>&gt;<br>
Subject: [TR] Overdrive issues<br>
Transmission update - for those reading about this for the first time, this=
 is a 1960 TR3 with a TR4 OD transmission. Yesterday they said it&#39;s bas=
ically a TR250 transmission. The whole transmission and OD was rebuilt by?a=
 British car specialist of 40+ years. ?His employee has also been working o=
n British cars for years, and is a transmission specialist. ?They&#39;ve re=
built literally 100s of transmissions and ODs. ?They had 4 OD cores on thei=
r bench as they were showing me different parts of the system.<br>
Symptom -?when I&#39;m accelerating and flip the switch for OD, it doesn&#3=
9;t go into OD until I let up. ?When in 2-3 or 4th gear, OD engaged, and pu=
nch it, it will downshift like an automatic transmission while I accelerate=
, then shift back into OD when I let up.<br>
I&#39;m not technical enough to know how to describe all what they told me,=
 but I&#39;ll try. ?First off, I forwarded the comments when I posted this =
issue a couple of weeks?ago, and keep in mind it&#39;s not the easy/obvious=
 things. ?They&#39;ve checked all the electrical, solenoids, ground, oil ty=
pe, etc. ?When in OD it&#39;s not slipping. ?They&#39;ve tested the PSI wit=
h a gauge attached while driving down the expressway, and jacked up with th=
e wheels off the ground. ?<br>
The issue is that it&#39;s not getting high enough PSI. ?It&#39;s over 400 =
PSI, but it needs to be 490 to over 500, I think they said 520. ?They&#39;v=
e taken the transmission back out, taken the OD all apart, and there&#39;s =
nothing obvious. They&#39;ve changed the piston in the pump. Originally it =
had a pump that would shift softer because I&#39;ve got a torquey engine an=
d the other pump, which they called a competition pump, would be hard on th=
e differential, but they&#39;ve got that one in the car now. ? They showed =
me a seal that goes around that piston and said the new seals?are?rubber an=
d they got one like the original style that has some sort of metal reinforc=
ement in it to hopefully make a better seal. ?Not very clear I know, but ho=
pefully that?makes sense. ?They&#39;ve checked the seats where a small ball=
 bearing must make a perfect seal, they all look perfect. ?They said everyt=
hing looks absolutely pristine. ?No scoring down passageways that might not=
 allow maximum PSI, etc. ?They also showed me the linin<br>
=C2=A0g on a?Sun gear they had on the beach, and said mine looked good and =
the rivets looked original.?They put it all back together, went for a test =
drive, and that didn&#39;t fix it.<br>
They&#39;ve spent literally 20+ hours on this transmission, plus several mo=
re hours doing internet research on the problem. ?As they described everyth=
ing and what they&#39;ve checked, which seems like everything, I said I&#39=
;d send out this email to the list. ?Not that they haven&#39;t tried everyt=
hing, but I&#39;m hoping there may be one little nugget of info they haven&=
#39;t tried, or a test they can run, that will?lead to the solution.<br>
Rye Livingston<br>
Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club<br>
Activities Chairman<br>
1960 TR3A<br>
PH: 530-FIND-RYE<br>
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