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Re: [TR] DNA, Bob, beer and battery

Subject: Re: [TR] DNA, Bob, beer and battery
From: Dave <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 15:38:19 -0500
References: <> <006701d008e5$3fab2c60$bf018520$@net>
My brewing related story needs no excuse since it has inherent Triumph
content.  I was at the auction at the 2007 VTR in Valley Forge  and I 
beeing introduced to the Single Malt Society (Thanks, Tom Fansher) 
and I was
chatting up another fellow when I glanced down at the auction 
and someone
was holding up an old Ballentine Beer sign.  Since the 
bidding was at about
$8 I thought I would bid.  I won.  Next thing I 
knew three guys were headed
my way, one with the sign and the other two 
with boxes of what turned out to
be a brewing kit.  My first thought 
was "Oh, crap, that's all I need,
another hobby."  I was tempted to 
take the sign home and leave the rest in
the hotel room but I have too 
much Scotts in my for that.  Since then I have
brewed at least half a 
dozen batches but they have all been kits from
Brewer's Best ( (since that is what the
local vendors 
sell) and I have been mostly happy with the results.  I'm not
a big fan 
of hops and brewing allows me to tailor the recipe and add less
the full amount of hops supplied.  This allows the flavour of the malt
to shine.

I have not done any DNA tests but the geneology research I've
suggest that I am a typical heinz 57 mut with ancestors from France,
Germany, Scotland, Ireland and quite heavily from England.  Perhaps 
that is
why I prefer my wines from France, my beer in the English style 
and the best
whisky is from Scotland.

Ok, ok, Triumph content.  My 8 (or 9) year old
Optima is giving up the 
ghost as well.  Even with the gear reduction starter
it barely turns 
over and the voltage drops so low that the ignition will not
spark and 
the car won't start.  But I will wait until spring to replace it
it will be stashed away for the winter.

Dave Massey
-----Original Message-----
From: Ron L'Herault <>

guess the heavy British gene is why I'm driving a Triumph and not a
and it may be why I like the darker British Ales rather than 
stuff generally available.  Give me a Newcastle Brown or 
(don't' I
wish I
could still get it here) McEwans Scotch Ale.

** **


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