sorry for the terminology mixup - itbs the control head. that fits on the
stator tube . . . .moss 667-480
is there someone who refurbishes them?
-----Original Message-----
From: Randall
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 8:18 PM
To: dave n ;
Subject: Re: [TR] stator tube and boss
---- dave n <> wrote:
> hi, all. apparently the plastic boss on the top of the stator tube for my
> tr3
> needs repair/replacement.
Uh, what plastic boss? The stator tube is all steel, the top just has a
slot that engages some notches inside the control head assembly.
Or are you talking about the control head assembly itself? Repair is pretty
much limited to cleaning and lubrication, but mine does seem to need that
every 5-10 years. Replacements are available from the usual suspects.
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