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Re: [TR] So there I was

To: "'TeriAnn J. Wakeman'" <>, "'Triumph List'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] So there I was
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2014 14:24:52 +0100
References: <>
Thread-index: AQLXprth6n7+AirVfm0N3bPBfbUGrZl/xSPA
Some years ago now when out in my 2500PI, I found myself being tailgated by
a 'yuppie' in a BMW. I don't know about North America, but in the UK most
BMW drivers can't stand being held up and usually think they own the road.
Much the same applies to those driving Audis. I digress.

Anyway, this individual came past me and then settled down to let me
tailgate him. As the road was straight and still with no sign of the 'Hun'
showing any signs of going faster and with no oncoming traffic, I selected
third gear, floored the accelerator to 5,500 and as the howling exhaust was
level with the BMW driver's ear, I flicked into overdrive which produced a
most pleasing snarl. I was in front again and without any stress or hassle.
This was just too much for the 'yuppie' (who was probably a sales rep
worrying about not meeting his sales target) and he just had to overtake me
again and at such a speed, he disappeared from view. Fine. No prob - and it
had been fun.

Three or so miles later, I saw him parked up in a 'pull off' and being
interviewed by a uniformed man in a high vis jacket holding a radar gun. The
police car was hidden in a gateway to a field. I tootled past at a
respectable (and legal speed) without further let or hindrance - but it
really made my day, especially as the BMW driver probably wasn't even born
the day my car left the line in Coventry in 1970. Twat!


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