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Re: [TR] 4 vs 6 vane water pump impellor

To: Bob Danielson <> aEQpYTRdLEQptfhcaEQpMWRcbGhsbEQpZSRcRClleF2hjeREKQ04XSxsZGmJCH2lvHXV4GXhzB x55GxkbE2gbEQpYXBcZBBoEGxsHTU4fGBgYGUsFGx0EGx0YBBIZBBsSEBseGh8bEQpeWRdhXx5 IWxEKTEYXbGtrEQpDWhcdHwQbHR8EGxodBBsRCkRYFxgRCkRJFxsRCkJGF2VocEddcmkTSx1JE QpCRRdpbkFzbR9DaX5wXBEKQk4XaEZCQB9IeR1HH2QRCkJMF28eZHtaQUlyE0djEQpCbBdnTms ZS2RcT2wSQREKQkAXZHNESwVGWFNQElIRCnBnF2FQHhtbGBwdbUNbEQpwaBdgUgVQQ2EdRx1eE xEKcGgXb0dCe18cWkdpZGQRCnBoF2NHUlpfBWRPRHppEQpwaBdseB9/R2hSQ11jQxEKcGgXYkZ zXXpdBXxEHEERCnBsF2sbEhJLHVJHTUN7EQpwTBdlbWIZaXxyHXNQTRE= engine=2.50.10432:5.11.96,1.0.14,0.0.0000 definitions=2014-05-28_04:2014-05-28,2014-05-28,1970-01-01 signatures=0 spamscore=0 suspectscore=0 phishscore=0 adultscore=0 bulkscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1 engine=7.0.1-1402240000 definitions=main-1405280172
Subject: Re: [TR] 4 vs 6 vane water pump impellor
From: Darrell Walker <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 06:19:03 -0700
References: <A7C307D0E3BE40B18FA51EFD527EBFBE@DELLPC>
On May 25, 2014, at 6:04 PM, Bob Danielson <>

> Another group feels it pumps the water through the system too fast and the
radiator can't cool it properly so the car runs hotter.

Im only a software engineer, but Ive always been skeptical of this argument.
Sure, perhaps per unit volume less heat will be removed as the coolant moves
faster, but you will have more volume going through, so it should balance out.
Also, I think the larger differential between the coolant and outside air
temperature makes the heat exchange more efficient, so having the coolant move
faster would mean more area of the radiator would experience a larger
temperature differential.  I mean, if I pour boiling water really fast across
my arm it wont burn me, because it will be moving too fast?

Or this may indeed be a real concern, and a case where common sense doesnt
match the physics.


Darrell Walker
66 TR4A IRS-SC CTC67956L
81 TR8 SATPZ458XBA406206
Vancouver, WA, USA

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