My first thoughts were trim and colour but there is no alignment there either
- Wedgwood Blue and Black interior with white top. The Commission Number
plates that showed paint and trim colours came much later. I also have
CT6716LO which is a 62 and it does not have this plate.
Keith Stewart
On 2013-08-24, at 5:38 PM, Michael Porter <> wrote:
> On 8/24/2013 3:17 PM, Keith Stewart wrote:
>> and that is what I have on this car (commission number 1218LO and body
>> number 1444CT). Those two are within a reasonable spread of one another.
>> mystery plate, 411CT, is not consistent with that number range.
> I'm wondering if this was something the factory added for West Coast Sales
to indicate something peculiar to their operation. The CT is clear enough, so
perhaps the 411 indicated exterior and interior colors, or it could be a
sequential number indicating the running total of that model delivered to West
Coast (West Coast Sales, for a number of years, had some separate arrangements
with the factory from other distributors--they even produced their own
technical bulletins). I'm pretty sure my TR4 (CT2334L) was original when I
bought it used, and it did not have such a tag, and it came through the
distributor in New Jersey.
> Cheers.
> --
> Michael Porter
> Roswell, NM
> Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking
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