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Re: [TR] conclusion to vibration

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] conclusion to vibration
From: "Lee Daniels" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:29:59 -0500
References: <>
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Great report! And another example of a triumph (!) of the marketplace. I'm
guessing that I know where you'll go the next time you need machine-shop work?
And you'll probably recommend this shop to your friends. And if you would
kindly tell where you are and the name of the shop?


> What a wonderful experience!  I was pretty sure my vibration came from the
> drive shaft so I took it to a machine shop that also specialized in drive
> shaft work.  I didn't even look at it for any problems and immediately upon
> laying it on the counter the mechanic saw the problem.  One spring clip was
> missing and that cap had worked its way out and was almost flung off the
> universal joint.  He noticed another spring clip that wasn't completely seated
> and fixed that as well as seated the cap and installed another spring clip.
> Opened my billfold and he said no charge.  Not worth fiddling with.
> Something
> that doesn't happen too often in this world.  Also embarrassed that I didn't
> inspect better when I installed the joints in the first place.
> gary n.

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