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Re: [TR] Fwd: problem gas?

Subject: Re: [TR] Fwd: problem gas?
From: Q <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 07:35:03 -0700 (PDT)
I have several TR's that I have been running on ethanol mix fuel for quite a 
few years here in California.  There is no doubt that this fuel damages rubber 
components.  The Sate government said that it would not effect anything built 
after the late 70's when it was first introduced but I have had several newer 
fuel lines develop pin holes.  If you happen to have some older fuel lines 
laying around the garage you will notice that the part numbers keep changing as 
they modify the materials.

My latest "find" was the overflow line in a 1976 TR7.  It was completely 
wasted.  Fuel would pour out of it under no pressure other than gravity from 
the inch of fuel above the line.  The 1981 TR7 had the same problem when I 
bought it last year.

Generally I replace all the rubber components on any car that I buy and have 
been doing so for years.  Once that is done I have not had any issues other 
than reduced power/mileage due to the lower BTU content per gallon.

All of my cars have been converted to use unleaded fuelor were built to run on 
unleaded fuel.

Edward Hamer
Petaluma CA

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