I hadn't thought about the oil pressure relief spring. In this case it
would be easier for me to swap gauges which I do have a spare!
I'll probably swap this weekend to see what happens.
On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 6:27 PM, <> wrote:
> Sure sounds like the oil pressue guage has something loose inside. But,
> before I would pull it out for repairs I would first remove the pressue
> adjusting ball & Spring from the filter unit and make sure it is all clean.
> After re-installing it, adjust the pressure up and down to see how affects
> the actions of the guage.
> But, probably it's the guage.
> Bill
> Bill Beecher
> '58 TR3A TS/30766L "Tarbaby"
> '62 TR3B TCF/2549L " Aunt B" (in rehab)
> '68 Land Rover Series IIa 88" "The Beast"
> "Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit
> there" Will Rodgers
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 4:22 PM
> To: Triumphs
> Subject: Re: [TR] gauges- wiggling and bouncing
> Figured out part of the speedometer/cruise control issue. I had a clamp on
> the cable about six inches from sender on the Speedo side. Apparently I
> had
> it to tight. With the speedometer cable disconnected from speed sender the
> cruise works great. With everything connected again the needle moves about
> +- 1 mph and the cruise control doesn't seem to mph.
> I am going to pull the speedometer and check it out as the insides seem to
> be moving around a bit.
> Now to figure out the oil pressure gauge.
> Brad
> Sent from my HTC Inspireb " 4G on AT&T
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Brad Kahler" <>
> To: "Triumphs" <>
> Subject: gauges- wiggling and bouncing
> Date: Fri, May 3, 2013 2:47 pm
> Two of the gauges on my 63 TR4 are acting up.
> The first is the oil pressure gauge which is the mechanical type. B The
> readings seem to be accurate but the needle quivers or vibrates like crazy.
> B It seems to do it at all pressures. B I don't know that I've ever seen a
> mechanical oil pressure gauge do this. B Any thoughts?
> The second problem is the speedometer. B The needleB fluctuates about 1 to
> 4
> mph while driving. I'm certain it's the speedometer cable. B The cable is
> brand new and is a two piece cable with a speed sensor inline for the
> cruise
> control. B I didn't lubricate the cable before installation assuming since
> it was new it shouldn't need anything. B When I say new, I had it custom
> made by a speedometer shop in Denver. B A short 8" section from the
> transmission to the speed sensor and then a longer one from the sensor to
> the gauge. B There are no sharp bends in the cable and B to the best of my
> knowledge it follows the same routing as the original.
> The cable is providing to much speed variation for the cruise control to
> work properly.
> Assuming it needs lubricating, what's the best lubricant for the
> speedometer
> cable?
> Thanks,
> Brad1963 TR4
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