my brother had a tr3; his only car, when he was stationed at some base in
massachusetts. we lived in philadelphia. I remember him heading back to
the base one winter evening, full winter clothing including ski gloves,
inside the car.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Nafziger
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 8:47 PM
Subject: [TR] thots on side curtains
While working with my side curtains I've been impressed by how sloppy the
ones fit as well as how hard it is to get a good tight fit on re-built ones.
It made me wonder about how many brand new tr-3's were daily drivers back
throughout the whole year including winter especially in the midwest.
I can't
imagine a tr-3 even all buttoned up sitting outside during a midwest winter.
Rain mostly comes straight down but blowing snow could sift through the
smallest opening and cover the whole inside; then melt. Imagine 3 day white
out blizzards with 25-30 mile winds!
Anyone have these type of experiences?
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