In a message dated 3/4/2012 1:48:25 PM Central Standard Time,
fogbro1 at writes:
> No one's mentioned "tinning" the wire. Doesn't anyone "tin" the wire
> anymore?
> I dip the wire in flux, "tin" it, then feed it into the hot bullet,
> having previously melted solder into the bullet. If off the car, the bullet
> can
> be positioned in a vice and the wire fed into it. If on the car, the bullet
> can be held in a forcepts to minimize heat loss and fed onto the wire.
Good point. One of the most frequent hurdles is to get the wire to take
the solder and if it is oxidized it won't take. That is the purpose of the
flux, clean off the wire. If you tin the wire beforehand you know the wire
will "solder up" once the bullet gets hot and the solder starts to flow.