I got 75% of a glovebox from a friend. I heard the plastic aftermarket
boxes don't fit so well.
So I decided to rebuild the box using paper mache type tech. I had half a
roll of wallpaper bridging fabric. Its a heavy woven fiber fabric that will
bridge the gaps on cinder block walls and leave an acceptable flat surface
for wallpaper or Paint. Anywho I used that and wood glue to recreate the
missing parts.
It fits quite well. But I need 3 more ... so I've sprayed several coats of
paint on the box, sanded, bondoed, sanded and painted again. I'm going to
mold it in plaster and make copies. I researched paper mache molding and
found plaster wrap is a reasonable foundation for a mould. Its pretty much
the same thing they make casts for broken arms out of. Next step is
casting the box. Wish me luck. Ill post pics tomorrow.