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[TR] TR3 Parking Brake Indicator Light?

Subject: [TR] TR3 Parking Brake Indicator Light?
From: wsb1960tr3a at (William Brewer)
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 10:23:13 -0700 (PDT)
     My wife loves to drive my TR. Unfortunately, she isn't very alert or 
knowledgeable and has managed to drive it with the parking brake on 3 times 
She also did it to my truck and set the rear axle on fire, but that's another 
story. So, she just burned the powdercoating off of the brake drums for the 3rd 
time. I am considering installing some sort of proximity switch with an 
indicator light or audible alarm to see if this would stop her from doing it a 
4th time. Has anyone else done this or know off hand if one is premade at a 
     I could start another thread about my wife's incidents backing out of the 
garage with the rear hatch open (up) on her van, but I'll spare you that one.

     Bill in Tehachapi

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