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Re: [TR] Hemmings says nice things about a certain Stag

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Hemmings says nice things about a certain Stag
From: "oliver" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 15:21:13 -0600
I've purchased the book.  excellent read, good cause.  highly recommended

From: "Wbeech" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 9:14 AM
To: "John Macartney" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Hemmings says nice things about a certain Stag

> Jon,
> How can I get a signed copy?
> Bill
> Sent from mobile Bill
> On Nov 19, 2011, at 8:01 AM, John Macartney 
> <>
> wrote:
>> Listers,
>> Earlier this week, I received a friendly email from Dave LaChance,
>> Assistant Editor of Hemmings magazine. It included a link to Hemming's
>> blogsite and says some very nice things about a certain book called "Turn
> Left
>> at the Pacific!" You can see that review by clicking here
>> iumph-trip/?refer=news
>> and you'll also find it in the 'Review' section of
>> I'd just like to make one thing very
>> clear. The list understandably prohibits promotion where it can be 
>> perceived
> a
>> financial gain is likely to be made by someone - in this case me, as I am
> the
>> book's author. I'd just like it to be known that setting up / printing /
>> binding costs for this book have been considerable and recovery of those
> costs
>> are the only things in the focus of the publisher and myself. In the 
>> event
> a
>> profit is somehow made at a later date and depending on what it is, we 
>> may
>> well pass that in equal shares to the non-profits the Triumph Trans 
>> AmeriCa
>> Charity Drive supported.
>> Jonmac


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