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[TR] re dash vinyl appl.

Subject: [TR] re dash vinyl appl.
From: JGILLIS at (John Gillis)
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:12:52 +0100
Gary - There is a version of the Bostick contact adhesive that allows
adjustment time, otherwise it works on the same principle as the normal coat
both surfaces and bring together type. If memory serves (not guaranteed ) it
is in a yellow rather than red tin. The usual rule of working from the centre
out is worth remembering. Be careful with the hairdryer, if the vinyl gets to
hot it will actually start to shrink instead of becoming more pliable, I would
recommend a warm day or a warm garage.
Good luck
1954 TR2 (last of the long doors)

John Gillis
(Senior Conservator)
Library Conservation TCD
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