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[TR] TR4A - Engine LIves!!! Then not so much..

Subject: [TR] TR4A - Engine LIves!!! Then not so much..
From: darrellw at (Darrell Walker)
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 14:19:22 -0700
References: <>
Hi Guy,

Did you do anything to the carbs while the engine was begin worked on?  It
takes quite a bit to be too rich to run, so I think there is something else
going on.  Are the pistons going all the way down?

On the oil pressure, what state is your battery in?  It could be that you
aren't cranking it very fast any more.

I wouldn't worry about the shaking until you get it running better, if you are
missing on a cylinder or two I wouldn't expect it to be running to very

What do the plugs from the rear cylinders look like?  More than once I messed
around thinking one carb was the problem when it was really the other.


Darrell Walker
66 TR4A IRS-SC CTC67956L
81 TR8 SATPZ458XBA406206
Vancouver, WA, USA

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