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[TR] TR3A Top Bows

Subject: [TR] TR3A Top Bows
From: Loumetelko at (Loumetelko at
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 16:27:11 -0400 (EDT)
What is the correct color to paint the top bows?  
Hi George:
According to TRA's Judging Standards  "On nearly all cars the hoodstick 
assemblies and hoodstick mounting screws were  painted the color of the body of 
the car.  Some very late cars may have had  their hoodsticks painted black 
or a buff (semi-gloss tan)".  I would  interpret "very late" as TS70000+.
You do have a copy of this side screen  guide, don't you?  If not it's free 
at TRA's web site  _www.triumphregister.com_ 
Lou Metelko
Auburn, Indiana


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