From: John Macartney <macartney.john at>
I've forwarded Don's email
to someone ... About six months ago, the
original and it WAS the original
factory TR2 Press Car (in superbly restored
condition) came up for sale and
was sold to an anonymous buyer for somewhere
in the region of US$150k.
--------------- ------ --- -
Hi List!
I'm STILL on catch-up mode in back log
of digest reading, & I'm going to put my
foot in my mouth & probably regret
This kind of ticks me off in the fact that people or companies have
Much Money to spend & there are So Many Charities that could use
it. Ex- PTS
YES, I should put myself in this category in the fact that I
money enjoying my Garage Queen TRIUMPH & going on trips with it. Ex-
But I also do give to charities when possible as John knows & I DO
volunteer my
time to charities.
Now to be fair to the person/company who
did make the purchase of that car, MAY
BE they too do & give to charities.
I'll jump off my soap box, now.
BTW- If any replies to this post, then PLEASE
Make them to ME (off line),
because this is really not TRIUMPH related. Mark
B., if you don't post this,
then I'll understand & I'm sorry. -Cosmo Kramer