In a message dated 6/24/2011 10:09:00 P.M.
Eastern Daylight Time, jrherrera90 at writes:
I want to buy a Triumph so I can show it!". Evidently so
Yes John,
I specifically sought a TR3B since they were rarely seen at TRA Nationals.
I was proud to display a example of this rare Triumph restored as
original for other Triumph enthusiasts to see. It gets a lot of attention. I
believe I have helped others with 3B's bring their cars along in the same
manner. Now there are several out there showing & btw, driving in Rallyes and
Tours that are associated with National Events.
Beverly and I once won the Presidents Rallye at the Toronto Triumph's
Club's Canadian Classic in a driving rain with the TR3B and then placed 1st in
the Concours the next morning. Of course I was much younger then and could
get up at the break of dawn to prepare it for showing.
Which brings me to a point that may need to be made. Original Triumphs
drive fine IMHO w/o any modifications. No need for fat tires, electronic
ignition, pleated interiors, electric fans, etc. They are remarkably simple
machines that if maintained properly have withstood the test of time and can
keep up with modern cars on our super highways while giving a great
driving experience on country roads. OK, TR3's don't like operating in stop
go city traffic on a hot day. Unless you have fitted the optional tropical
To each his own, hey?