On 2011-03-15, at 3:00 PM, marty sukey <trmarty at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking for a picture of Fred's car by its self. A side view or a
> front/side view. Anybody have one?
> Thanks,
> Marty
When Fred sent me some photos to illustrate that article on Powder Coating, he
a photo of all his cars lined up on the street outside his home
a side view of his Karman Ghia
a side view of his Mustang #!
a side view of his Mustang #2
a side view of his Thunderbird (hardtop on)
a side view of his Thunderbird (hardtop off)
a side view of Fred and his wife standing beside the TR3A with the hardtop on
a side view of his Spitfire (the one he snagged from the young teacher)
a side view of his Mailbox on the post (a side view of his Model T)
a side view of his Model T
Just let me know if you want any of these and I will scan them and send them
Keith R. Stewart
75 Camden Road
London, Ontario
N5X 2K2
Home: (519) 660-1916
E-Mail: keithstewart at execulink.com