Stainless can be polished with a bit of effort to a very bright shine, hard to
tell from chrome if that is part of your hesitation.
On Feb 22, 2011, at 2:26 PM, cfmtr3a at wrote:
> LOL 12 responses - 3 for SS; 3 for Chrome; 3 for either; 3 for neither
> (detracts from the looks of the car). Anyone want to be the tie breaker.
> General consensus
> Chrome looks better - bright chrome like bumpers - must be diligent in waxing
> - will eventually rust - (In stock);
> Stainless Steel less likely to rust - closer in appearance to the beading -
> less shiny - (3-6 week delay)
> Since I live in the land of 80%+ humidity the scales are tipping slightly -
> ever so slightly - toward stainless. I wonder how the concourse judges
> might react - not that I am looking at a 100/400 pt car.
> Thanks to all that responded on or off list - additional responses still
> appreciated.
> Carl