I recieved the following from Tony's wife Jeanne yesterday and with her
permission I am passing on to the list. Many of you know Tony from VTR and his
red TR3. Thought you would want to know. Sounds like he is having a tough go
of it. I will pass on updates.
> Subject: Prayer request
> From: allegrorover at mac.com
> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 10:55:59 -0500
> CC: allegrorover at mac.com
> To: allegrorover at mac.com
> Dear Family and friends,
> I am writing to let you know that we need some prayers, some of you are aware
> and others I haven't been able to let you know yet, but Tony had a heart
> attack a few days ago and had double by-pass surgery yesterday. It was quite
> a shock to both of us and we still cannot believe what just happened over the
> last 72 hours. They had to take him to Jacksonville Fl for the surgery. He is
> doing very well but is very sore and will have a long road to recovery, but
> we all know him well enough to know he is a fighter and will be back in
> action soon. Our son Anthony flew in from NY and Eric and his girlfriend Erin
> from Savannah have been with us through all this, so I have great support.
> Paul and Rachel have been in touch non-stop, not to mention our wonderful
> family and friends who sent many prayers already and have been a great
> support even long distance. Thank you all for being here for us and I will
> keep you updated often. Love and hugs to all.
> Jeanne