I've installed the Moss supercharger kit on my TR4A, and have some parts that I
don't need. I'll get pictures posted some time, but if you are interested that
might increase my motivation! These are all for the TR4A, though may be
applicable to other cars.
Nippondenso alternator - $45
This is a very compact alternator. I'll include my shorted mounting pedestal.
Includes plug.
TR4A radiator with 14" Permacool fan - $75
Includes all wiring for the fan. Core is in good shape. Tanks are a little
beat up.
I'll sell just the radiator for $60, and the fan for $30, but prefer to sell
Narrow-belt aluminum water pump pulley - $25
I'll throw in a belt, too.
SU HS6 carbs with manifold, linkage, K&N filters - $1500
Not really wanting to sell this, but if the price is right... The carbs were
rebuild by Z-therapy, with needle bearings and seals on the throttle shafts.
The intake was powder coated by Fred Thomas, as was the brackets for the
linkage. One of the jets was leaking when I took them off, so I would suggest
replacing both. I have an assortment of needles that I can include. I also
have the ARE headshield (not installed) that I'll throw in (or sell for $25 on
its own).
TR4A cast exhaust manifold - $150
In good shape, there is a small area where I started seeing if I could sand it
smooth, but not visible when installed. I can also include the down pipes (NLA
by themselves, I believe). They have some surface rusts, but nothing a good
blasting and ceramic coating won't cure.
HD lever shocks - $75
Rebuilt by World Wide Auto Parts. Includes linkage.
TR4A rear hubs - $25
Need to be rebuilt, or use as cores
Starter - $50
Worked fine when I removed it. Painted dark gray.
Generator - $50
Worked find when I removed it. Painted dark gray.
Gunson Gas Tester - $50
Darrell Walker
66 TR4A IRS CTC67956L
Vancouver, WA, USA
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