The burled walnut dash that Woodchuck at TRF made for my tr4a gets positive
comments at nearly every event I attend. I believe it was the first burled
walnut dash that he produced (at my request), about five years ago I think.
And it's matched. Can't recommend it enough (NFI).
Mitch Meisler
Managing Director, Institutional Sales
CL King & Associates
Nine Elk Street
Albany, New York, 12207
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-----Original Message-----
From: triumphs-bounces at [mailto:triumphs-bounces at] On Behalf Of albert runyan
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 12:07 PM
To: dlylis at
Cc: triumphs at
Subject: Re: [TR] Dashboard Refinishing
Just to clarify, the book matching we advertise refers to the dashes we do
for TR4 and TR4A.
Also, our dashes our finished to look as they would have when the car is
new. We don't pre-fade them with an orange finish.
Albert Runyan
Triumphs at
Suggested annual donation $11.47
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