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Re: [TR] [SPAM] Re: TR6 ring gear

To: "TR owners List" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] [SPAM] Re: TR6 ring gear
From: "Dave" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 22:10:32 -0600
?if you get it wrong over time the starter will push the ring gear out and will 
no longer engage.

ask me how I know . . .

From: Randall 
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 3:53 PM
Cc: 'triumph list' 
Subject: [SPAM] Re: [TR] TR6 ring gear

> I would think that on most any car, the bevels would be on the side
> from which the starter pinion gear approaches.  I don't know what their
> purpose would be on the other side.

However, Triumph seems to have assembled a goodly number of TR6 the other
way around.  Apparently the bevels are less important when using a
"pre-engaged" type starter, as they seem to have worked fine for many years
that way.

However, I agree with Phil, I'd install it with the bevels towards the
starter pinion.
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