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Re: [TR] Help needed starting a dormant engine

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Help needed starting a dormant engine
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 14:26:46 -0800
> Cc: John Swauger

Just a thought, Steve, I suspect John would have rather not had his email
address broadcast to everyone on the TR list.

> Am I crazy for not having it rebuilt?

I'd call it a calculated risk; there is certainly some chance the engine has
suffered internal damage during the fire or while being stored, or even that
your memory has faded somewhat as to its condition before the fire.  OTOH,
all you are risking is the time and labor to pull it back out, if it should
prove necessary to do so.  So balance that against the cost to have it
rebuilt now.

Some likely would call me crazy, but my 56 TR3 is still running the engine
that came in it, which had been stored for over 30 years and I knew
absolutely nothing about.  Even though I have since had to change the rod
bearings and head gasket, I still feel I made the right decision for me.  In
my case, that includes a decision that I will do a proper rebuild "soon",
but not until I have another Triumph to drive to work (which at the rate I'm
moving, will be several more years).

> I have the same issue with the overdrive tranny. It ran well when
> pulled. Should I send it off for inspection and a rebuild?

Pretty much the same answer as above, except I think it is even less likely
to have suffered hidden damage during the fire or storage.

-- Randall  

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