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Re: [TR] Pertinox Wiring and General Comment

To: <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Pertinox Wiring and General Comment
From: John Herrera <>
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 16:36:10 -0400
> Now, what I recall from my Navy electronics days (uhm, more than 3 decades
ago), electrons flow from positive to negative, holes flow from negative to
positive, and it is the difference in potential between the two that makes one
"negative" as opposed to "positive." In other words, a positive 20 volts will
run to a positive 15 volts because the difference in potential is still a
negative 5.

Electrons flow from negative pole to the positive pole. Holes, or lack of
electrons, flow from the positive pole to the negative pole.

The coil will work when connected either way, but the spark plugs will work
very slightly better when the wire from the ignition switch is connected to
the positive-marked coil connection on a negative earth car, and to the
negative-marked connection on a positive earth car.

John H.
Suggested annual donation  $11.47

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