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Re: [TR] TR3 wiper motor

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 wiper motor
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 03:02:28 -0700
> his
> red wire is very long and looks like it has to come out of the motor on
> the
> left side where the hot wires connect to.. the red wire is considerably
> longer
> than mine on TS41366.

Just a thought, Frank, I have seen some wiper motors that have an alternate
style of park switch.  The switch housing is taller and kind of a 'pinched'
shape rather than the flat top cylindrical housing found on most motors.
The entire switch is attached to the cover, rather than having one contact
rotating like the common style does.  The alternate style also does not have
the exposed red wire to the top of the switch housing; presumably the wire
is hidden inside somehow.

I'm thinking that perhaps your friend's wiper motor originally had the
alternate style park switch, but someone has changed back to the common
style switch.  That could leave no place to run the red wire, so they may
have routed it outside the housing.

Just a WAG, probably way off base.  If so, I blame it on lack of sleep ...

BTW, if anyone knows the rhyme or reason to the alternate motors, I would be
interested in hearing it.  At one time I thought they were a later
replacement, but then I saw one at a show that had a date code of "59" on it
and the owner swore it was original to the car.

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