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Re: [TR] [6pack] Proper gearcase oil

To: William McIntire <>, Bruce Simms
Subject: Re: [TR] [6pack] Proper gearcase oil
From: Bill <>
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 13:23:07 -0700
Good Information for 1970 ... but ... Welcome to the 21st Century ...

I am not being critical of anyone, but this stuff works ...  There is 
a section (at the home page) for engine oil, and differential oil ... 
all of which I have used for many years.

oh yeah ... I have no Redline Stock ... 8-)

>Have more info that supports our use of 80/90 wt oil in the 
>transmission/OD units.  Have a factory repair and operations manual. 
>Published by, " Triumph Motor Company Ltd, Coventry England" part # 
>545277, published 1972.
>With respect to transmission and OD lubrication it says...
>Gearbox and overdrive over 30 deg F - BP Gear oil  SAE 90 EP
>                                   below 30 "     "  - BP Gear oil  SAE 80 EP
>Both are API GL4 
>As I remember there is a communication port (hole) between the trans 
>and OD units (at least on the 'A' type units). Different weight oils 
>in the respective units will mix with time and become whatever they 
>mix to.  Transmissions are the same from TR2 through TR3A's. 3B 
>through 4's had 1st gear synchronized and possibly caged needle 
>bearing rather than free floating ones in the counter shaft, lot of 
>broom handles were saved there by not needing them for bearing 
>support on reassembly, and different shift lever on the TR4's. 
>Strongly suspect TR6 trans is the same as Late TR4 boxes but have 
>never had one apart (mine hasn't broken yet). 
>This is sort of a FWIW thing. People can use whatever they are 
>comfortable with. I'm with Bruce using 80/90 wt.    Times and 
>lubricants have changed, may be a 'hotter set up' out there, but 
>this is what the book of the time said.
>'70   6

"Thinking is the hardest work there is. That's why so few people 
undertake it." - Henry Ford
Bill Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

Suggested annual donation  $11.47

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