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Re: [TR] Fwd: spark jump

To: “triumphs“ <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Fwd: spark jump
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 09:42:03 -0700
> I very much like the Crane unit but I have fried (2) modules 
> by leaving
> the key on while doing some trouble shooting on my Spit 
> bodied GT6 and not
> disconnecting the power to the Crane unit. 

FWIW, they redesigned the module about 10 years ago to eliminate this
problem.  The new modules can be distinguished by the LED on the end.  After
a few seconds of no input from the optical pickup, the module shuts down
current to the coil, which avoids overheating both the coil and the power
transistor inside the module.

Just a thought, Tony, have you double-checked that the rotor is not
interfering with the pickup?  When I installed my XR3000, it had all sorts
of strange drivability problems, that eventually turned out to be caused by
the "counterweight" cast into the rotor thumping the pickup module.

I also had significant problems getting the "phasing" just right ; finally
wound up setting it by trial and error.


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