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[TR] pully failure

Subject: [TR] pully failure
From: Bob <>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:48:33 -0400
I was driving to a car hop tonight in the 4 when I thought I heard a metal 
ding sort of noise. At first I thought the car in front of me threw a stone 
but a few seconds later I noticed my temperature gauge pinged.

So I pulled over and opened up the hood expecting to find a large hole in the 
radiator but what I found was the belt somehow came off the lower pulley.

I had the wife hit the starter while I coaxed the belt back on and we limped 
home. Must have lost alot of fluid as the temp stayed around 190 - 200 the 
whole way home.

So when I got home I opened up the bonnet to let the engine cool thinking I 
just had a loose belt when I noticed a small piece of metal on the frame. It 
was a 2" piece of the inner part of the pulley where the timing mark is 
located or was.

The bottom part of the piece is not a fresh break so it looks like a crack 
developed over time and finally went today.

Has anyone else experienced metal fatigue in the lower engine pully?

I have a spare but looks like the radiator and fan assembly is coming off in 
the near future.

At least it is an easier job than the TR3!


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