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Re: [TR] TRs in a Moving Van

To: John Wise <>
Subject: Re: [TR] TRs in a Moving Van
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 08:38:38 -0700
On 8/12/10, John Wise <> wrote:
> The TR (along with my '77 911) will be shipped inside the moving van with
> all of our other stuff.  Any advice on special prep for the TR??

I have shipped our TR3A cross-country that way (in with the furniture)
3 times.  I have always asked to drive it on & off myself and the
driver has always agreed.  At the very least you want to watch closely
as they do it.

The ramps can be quite steep, for mine I have to have the driver and
his helper lift the rear end of the TR just a bit until the rear
wheels are half way up the ramp else it will scrape the ground.

I have usually (maybe not always) moved the TR3A with the windscreen
off and packed separately.  This is especially helpful/safer if they
are installing a floor above the car to load furniture up there (a
scary image but they do it and it has never been a problem for me).

The moving company may have some instructions, usually they say no
more than a quarter tank of fuel.  Inside a moving van they usually
don't care how much you load the car interior & boot with parts & such
(since they charge by weight anyway) whereas on a trailer they don't
want any extras.

The driver should strap the car down really tight -- like until the
front suspension bottoms out against the rubber block.  They will put
moving pads all over the place but still you want nothing touching the
car/pads.  1000s of miles of vibration against one of those pads can
probably wear thru the paint.

They will probably do a pre-load inspection and hand you a sheet to
sign with every ding, scratch & mark noted on a diagram of the car.
To look at the drawing you would think the car was a real beater --
they are of course just covering themselves.  I examine it closely to
be sure it isn't too much of an exaggeration and then take lots of
photos of the car at the last minute.

To state the obvious... thoroughly examine the unloaded car at the
other end.  Good luck.


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